Rede Nasa
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomía dunha serea é unha peza de teatro documental construída sobre a memoria e a experiencia persoal da actriz Iria Pinheiro como muller, como nai e como vítima da violencia obstétrica. Trátase ademais dunha obra de teatro autobiográfica e con carácter testemuñal, pois a voz en primeira persoa da protagonista é tamén o testemuño directo de alguén que viviu os sucesos e acontecementos reais que se contan na obra.
Adriana Páramo Pérez joins to the team!
I received a mail that didn't expected, was an exciting surprise see that a girl that lives in London wanted to come and follow our creative process. Here you are her mail so I think that it is the best presentation that can have:
My name is Adriana Páramo, I'm a film maker, I live in London since 10 years ago.
Today I read an article about your new project 'Anatomy of a mermaid', and sounded very interesting to me , especially because I am doing a Phd with the idea of explore subjects taboos around the maternity. It would delight to meet with you and speak of our projects. I'll explain to you in general lines what is my Phd about.I am doing a practical Phd in documentary techniques to explore the creative process of the actress, and how these processes are framed or no in pathriarchy structures . In the last six months I did one 'experiment' in wich I recorded to 3 couples of director-actress working in the same text and I investigated about his creative relation and on ítems of gender.
Now I'm on a second phase of the my Phd, with the same premise, where I wanted to have a more concrete subject, and so I am beginning to investigate histories -taboos- around the maternity (or absence of it).
I suppose that all this can sound unclear, but I'd like to talk with you and even follow your creative process.
Adriana began to record as we wrote the script and will come back in September to register rehearsals with her camera.
This is his web:
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