Rede Nasa
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomía dunha serea é unha peza de teatro documental construída sobre a memoria e a experiencia persoal da actriz Iria Pinheiro como muller, como nai e como vítima da violencia obstétrica. Trátase ademais dunha obra de teatro autobiográfica e con carácter testemuñal, pois a voz en primeira persoa da protagonista é tamén o testemuño directo de alguén que viviu os sucesos e acontecementos reais que se contan na obra.
Interview with Tirso Docampo, physiotherapist.
The neighbourhood of Bouzas( Vigo) seemed Norway that morning. The summer has these things in the south of the country, but you thank quite when you have to drive in the noisiest metropolis of the atlantic side of Galiza.
It was happy by meeting with Tirso, he was the first person that touched my scar for healing it and also was he the one who received me a midday without appointment when I presented me there died of pain eight months after having given birth.
Tirso thinks that it has to have a change of paradigm in the model of attention to the woman and that everything is a process: the woman will have to go losing the fear to speak of the subject, there will be to give them some conditions where they can express theirselves(appropriate spaces) and the Sergas has to educate the women and explained that these problems can be treated.
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