Rede Nasa
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomy of a mermaid
Anatomía dunha serea é unha peza de teatro documental construída sobre a memoria e a experiencia persoal da actriz Iria Pinheiro como muller, como nai e como vítima da violencia obstétrica. Trátase ademais dunha obra de teatro autobiográfica e con carácter testemuñal, pois a voz en primeira persoa da protagonista é tamén o testemuño directo de alguén que viviu os sucesos e acontecementos reais que se contan na obra.
A mermaid's diary
To share your view about a traumatic fact of your life is not easy. At least no for me. But if you see that do it can change the reality and that suddenly begin to feel that something transforms inside you, then take out strengths to arrive at the end and can complete this metamorphosis.
We began to work in "Anatomy of a mermaid" on three August 2017, this day had the first meeting and I felt me happy and full of strength for explaining my history. It wrote in a diary " From here in a year will be explaining in the stage what happened in that labor room". I annotated that had a lot of pains in my tail of mermaid and that had cost me a lot go and come from home until Compostela, but it just had opened in front of me a new way that nowadays is by where I want to walk around evermore, the one of the complaint, the one to use the scene like powerhouse of the change, this time without doubt.
In the photo that illustrates these words I'm expressing what is for me the motherhood, without wanting to, as really it was measuring the plane to do a videopoem, but anybody would imagine it when seeing to a woman with a baby and a the clothes drying in front. That's the point , to play and go further.
In two months we'll be at the première of the show, now I have to go to put me in brine.
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