Anatomía dunha serea é unha peza de teatro documental construída sobre a memoria e a experiencia persoal da actriz Iria Pinheiro como muller, como nai e como vítima da violencia obstétrica. Trátase ademais dunha obra de teatro autobiográfica e con carácter testemuñal, pois a voz en primeira persoa da protagonista é tamén o testemuño directo de alguén que viviu os sucesos e acontecementos reais que se contan na obra.
To share your view about a traumatic fact of your life is not easy. At least no for me. But if you see that do it can change the reality and that suddenly begin to feel that something transforms inside you, then take out strengths to arrive at the end and can complete this metamorphosis.
We began to work in "Anatomy of a mermaid" on three August 2017, this day had the first meeting and I felt me happy and full of strength for explaining my history. It wrote in a diary " From here in a year will be explaining in the stage what happened in that labor room". I annotated that had a lot of pains in my tail of mermaid and that had cost me a lot go and come from home until Compostela, but it just had opened in front of me a new way that nowadays is by where I want to walk around evermore, the one of the complaint, the one to use the scene like powerhouse of the change, this time without doubt.
In the photo that illustrates these words I'm expressing what is for me the motherhood, without wanting to, as really it was measuring the plane to do a videopoem, but anybody would imagine it when seeing to a woman with a baby and a the clothes drying in front. That's the point , to play and go further.
In two months we'll be at the première of the show, now I have to go to put me in brine.
The neighbourhood of Bouzas( Vigo) seemed Norway that morning. The summer has these things in the south of the country, but you thank quite when you have to drive in the noisiest metropolis of the atlantic side of Galiza.
It was happy by meeting with Tirso, he was the first person that touched my scar for healing it and also was he the one who received me a midday without appointment when I presented me there died of pain eight months after having given birth.
Tirso thinks that it has to have a change of paradigm in the model of attention to the woman and that everything is a process: the woman will have to go losing the fear to speak of the subject, there will be to give them some conditions where they can express theirselves(appropriate spaces) and the Sergas has to educate the women and explained that these problems can be treated.
I received a mail that didn't expected, was an exciting surprise see that a girl that lives in London wanted to come and follow our creative process. Here you are her mail so I think that it is the best presentation that can have:
My name is Adriana Páramo, I'm a film maker, I live in London since 10 years ago.
Today I read an article about your new project 'Anatomy of a mermaid', and sounded very interesting to me , especially because I am doing a Phd with the idea of explore subjects taboos around the maternity. It would delight to meet with you and speak of our projects. I'll explain to you in general lines what is my Phd about.
I am doing a practical Phd in documentary techniques to explore the creative process of the actress, and how these processes are framed or no in pathriarchy structures . In the last six months I did one 'experiment' in wich I recorded to 3 couples of director-actress working in the same text and I investigated about his creative relation and on ítems of gender.
Now I'm on a second phase of the my Phd, with the same premise, where I wanted to have a more concrete subject, and so I am beginning to investigate histories -taboos- around the maternity (or absence of it).
I suppose that all this can sound unclear, but I'd like to talk with you and even follow your creative process.
Adriana began to record as we wrote the script and will come back in September to register rehearsals with her camera.
This is his web:
Carmen Amorín and Marta Bermudez are midwives that run Luna de Brigantia ( They were in this project from the beginning, not only providing their obstetrical knowledge for the creation of the piece, but it also exerted as midwives in the specific case of Iria in dealing with the scar of her episiotomy.
On this day of July we went to its center to receive a childbirth preparation class, to learn its mechanisms for a better understanding and to be able to explain it on the stage. We've been talking about bones, muscles, natural and synthetic hormones... also experience positions and massage related to the moment of birth. We reflect on what is being done and what should be done. It was an intense morning where we discovered many things in first person.
Iria Pinheiro fálanos da experiencia persoal que se atopa detrás da historia que vai contar en Anatomía dunha serea. O seu é o testemuño dunha muller que non renuncia a ser muller para ser nai e que, como tantas outras, foi agredida física e psicoloxicamente durante o seu paso polo hospital. O espectáculo que resulte deste traballo estrearase en outubro de 2018.
July 3, 2018, a meeting was held in the Auditorium Constante Liste (A Ramallosa) in which we gather eleven women of different ages, convened by A Berberecheira and by the CIM of Teo the one we greatly appreciate their cooperation.
In this debate we talk about our experiences in birth, maternity, obstetric violence, etc. In this context left side issues such as excessive medicalization of women during pregnancy and childbirth, the health care institution-related gender issues, social pressure towards women about motherhood or how was to give birth earlier at home or why women began to have their child at the hospital.
Also talked about how to change things that we don't like regarding these topics and we especially felt good pooling our experiences.
Thank you very much to all the women who attended your trust and generosity, now you're part of Anatomy of a mermaid.