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Vertical (Javier Abraldes)

En su libro "Arvo Pärt", de la serie "Oxford Studies of Composers", Paul Hillier escribe sobre el peculiar estilo de composición llamado "tintinnabuli":

"In one of our discussions about tintinnabuli Pärt described to me his view that the "melodic voice" -horizontal voice- always signifies the subjective world, the daily egoistic life of sin and suffering; the "tintinnabuli voice" -vertical voice-, meanwhile, is the objective realm of forgiveness.

The melodic voice may appear to wander, but is always held firmly by the tintinnabuli voice.

This can be likened to the eternal dualism of body and spirit, earth and heaven; but the two voices are in reality one voice, a twofold single entity".

Composición de Javier Abraldes.

Grabación casera con una guitarra Godin, un Loop Station y un sintetizador de guitarra Roland.