Are you enjoying Rúa Aire? Do you want to know more about this show and about the performing company? Marcos Ptt, from El Retrete de...
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We continue to offer Rúa Aire, by El Retrete de Dorian Gray. Today, chapter number 2.
Made during the process of creation of our first work Oiseau Rebelle
vídeo made during the process of creation of the work Oiseau Rebelle
On March 24th, a meeting of Danesga took place. The same evening, a video directed by Cristina Balboa and recorded by Iago Seoane to...
Versión jazzística de la escena final de la ópera Tosca, de Giacomo Puccini.
Grabado el 28 de...
"Impostor" es el título de un relato breve del escritor norteamericano Philip K. Dick. Como en la mayoría de sus historias, uno de los...
Interpretación, por el Ensemble de cámara del IES Frei Martín Sarmiento, del Vals del Segundo (Les Luthiers), en el acto de despedida...
Interpretación, por el Ensemble de cámara del IES Frei Martín Sarmiento, del primer movimiento de 4'33", de John Cage, en el acto de...
Vídeo-poem inspired in a text by Sther F. Carrodeguas belonging to the book Collage.
Today at Chévere's headquarters the team was already concentrated and preparing the Ultranoiteo for June 15the, 16th and 17th. Who...
Taking the opportunity of Rajoy's appearance in the media today, we release one of his shows at the Ultranoite.
O tempo pasa máis rapido do que marcan os reloxos.
dirección: cuco pino
producción: Quadra...