Patricia de Lorenzo:
Eu non falto á festa
Rede Nasa
Amores Prohibidos 2.0
How could Romeo and Juliet's story be if they lived in Boiro in 2012? Could they live their love story with a linguistic conflict between? Is it possible to make a theater play without a scene, only with the web and social networks? Amores Prohibidos 2.0 tried to answer these questions and to update a classic work in the digital world. You can check what has happened with Romeo and Juliet from 23 to 27 april, follow their dialogues and characters interactions. See more.
Os meus amighos levan desde primeira hora da mañán fasendo os preparativos para a festa. Mághoa que os de sempre xa andan a amolar. Pero que lles dean, nós ao noso!
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Estais usando mi imagen sin permiso os voy a machacar!
Que imaxe? A túa cara de mona?
Que ascazo dais vosotros y vuestra fiesta del gallego !!!!