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Amores Prohibidos 2.0
How could Romeo and Juliet's story be if they lived in Boiro in 2012? Could they live their love story with a linguistic conflict between? Is it possible to make a theater play without a scene, only with the web and social networks? Amores Prohibidos 2.0 tried to answer these questions and to update a classic work in the digital world. You can check what has happened with Romeo and Juliet from 23 to 27 april, follow their dialogues and characters interactions. See more.
Alleas á toda a que está montada en Boiro, e despois das primeiras cervexas parece que as penas de Xiana son menos, grazas á compaña de Ana e á noite compostelá. Se andades por aí esta noite e as atopades, por favor dicídelle a Xiana que a están esperando en Boiro. Se Ana segue tuiteando alegremente como ata agora sobre a súa situación, non o teredes moi difícil. Creo que a esta hora aínda están no 13...
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hohoho, o Xespir xa está peneque!